43 pages 1 hour read

Martha Wells

Artificial Condition

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2018

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Chapters 1-2

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

Murderbot is a security robot (SecUnit) pretending to be a human. Since SecUnits are typically shipped as cargo, Murderbot is for the first time moving among “the parts of stations or transit rings that were meant for people” (9). Murderbot exchanged its armor for human clothing and covered its inorganic parts. While its disguise appears to be working, it is nervous that its identity will be discovered. Murderbot speculates that its disguise has been so effective because SecUnits are typically depicted in the media as “always in armor, faceless and terrifying to humans” (13).

While not initially open about the details, Murderbot wants to find out what happened during a past security assignment at the RaviHyral mining facility. Murderbot supposedly malfunctioned and murdered dozens of people, but its memory is cloudy because it was cleared after the incident. Aiming to return to the scene, Murderbot heads toward an unmanned research vessel that will stop at Murderbot’s destination. Murderbot pings the vessel’s computer and offers it access to “hundreds of hours of media” (17), like television shows and music, in exchange for a ride. The research transport accepts the deal.

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