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The protagonists, Angel and Isaiah, are dedicated to justice, equality, and progress throughout the novel, but at first, they have different ideas about what “justice” means, which types of change are possible and when, and what the best strategies are to achieve the desired changes. Each character’s stance on these issues is represented through their favorite author, which they argue about often. Isaiah prefers W. E. B. Du Bois’s direct, bold, fast approach to change:
Du Bois spoke to Isaiah’s longing for an active role in the future of his people. Like Du Bois, he was tired of waiting […] Tired of pretending proper in front of ravenous white folks while they drained his community of its hard work and culture. […] And tired, most of all, of anticipating the next attack (14-15).
Isaiah thinks that because there is so much to be done, it needs to start happening right away. Moreover, he doesn’t think slower change guarantees safety because he senses racial violence approaching even in the idyllic Black community of Greenwood.
Conversely, Angel prefers Booker T. Washington’s compassionate, measured, slower approach. Angel thinks it’s best to implement changes slowly and steadily so as not to fuel the fires of racial tension or put too much stress on people who have been through historical trauma. She also thinks that a thriving Black community can exist despite racial segregation:
Black, brilliant, self-sustaining Greenwood Avenue was proof that […] Washington was correct about tolerance and eventual progress. He’d called it ‘Negro Main Street’ [...] Angel saw Washington’s wisdom throughout Greenwood. She also saw it in the railroad tracks, dividing white Tulsa from Black Greenwood. […] Washington gave permission to thrive alongside in segregation (32-33).
She has her doubts about segregation, but she still prioritizes the strategy of slow, measured change because she thinks it’s more likely to be tolerated by those holding the status quo. Isaiah thinks Booker T. Washington’s approach isn’t good enough because it allows structural inequality to remain in place for even longer, but Angel worries Du Bois’s approach could lead to violence or backlash. At first, both characters think that only one of these authors can be correct, so the other one must be wrong. They spend hours poring over books and reconsidering their position on which author is best. This diligence suggests a strong dedication to social change but also a relatively limited perspective on how ideology informs change.
Through further reading and discussion, Angel and Isaiah begin to open their minds to a broader perspective on social change. Their teacher, Miss Ferris, has both books on her shelf, suggesting that she thinks they’re both valuable and can coexist. Still, the teens argue about which is best to the point of insults and tears. Isaiah even thinks it’s his job to “save” Angel from her foolish love of Booker T. Washington and “unshackle” her by converting her into a Du Bois fan. Ultimately, “no one won the Booker T. Washington versus W.E.B. Du Bois argument in that moment. Truth itself won. Truth that neither stolen innocence nor property outweighed stolen esteem for one’s own capabilities” (148). Neither author perfectly articulates a complete guide on how to achieve justice and equality. Instead, when people like Miss Ferris, Angel, and Isaiah read and discuss a variety of authors, they can combine the ideas of many to create the best strategy to engender positive change. Through this discussion, they haven’t fully solidified their ideas, but they have discovered one important thing to remember: Their most valuable tool is the knowledge and faith that they can have a thriving community like Greenwood. This awareness is of the utmost importance before the attack, but especially after it, when the residents are tasked with rebuilding their community. Rather than start believing it’s impossible, which would mean defeat, Isaiah reminds everyone that they had it before and will have it again. Tellingly, he quotes Washington but not Du Bois in this speech, showing how the characters have learned to appreciate both writers and take a variety of ideas into account when strategizing for justice and equality.
Angel of Greenwood shows that love and friendship persist even during turbulent times, and both can become even more valuable and transformative during challenges. Although the race massacre doesn’t occur until the novel’s end, times are already turbulent from the beginning due to racial segregation and tensions, as well as personal events in the characters’ lives, such as Angel’s father’s illness and impending death and Isaiah’s father’s death). When Isaiah first falls in love with Angel, he worries love isn’t a privilege that he, a Black teenager, is allowed to have: Love
was not the fate of the Black boys of 1921. This was for daydreamers […] This, most of all, was for white boys. White boys could get away with an all-consuming kind of love […] And love, after all, was the only thing in the world that mattered. […] It was also, for him, not allowed (26-27).
Nevertheless, Isaiah can’t help falling in love with Angel despite the growing unrest around him. Similarly, Angel’s father does not back away from her emotionally while he’s dying; rather, he reaffirms his love for his family and community, knowing that it’s more important than ever now.
Throughout the text, various characters realize the power of love to make them better. Isaiah reflects that,
Love was a freeing thing, a relief. […] They were produced by the dream of this place. The unlikely optimism of the enslaved. […] Two intelligent, passionate Black folk. Kissing freely in the middle of the street their own people owned. What a wonderful world it was (203-04).
Instead of being a distraction from the task of seeking progressive change, love, for Angel and Isaiah is actually fuel for positive change. Their love is able to exist thanks to the efforts of their ancestors, and its existence, in turn, provides them with a context for their own efforts for change in the present. When Isaiah starts spending time with Angel, he changes his behavior toward others, refraining from bullying, standing up to Muggy, being more helpful, and acting more like his true self rather than the version of himself he believed Muggy wanted him to be. This approach gains him further respect in the community, allowing him to become a leader during the race massacre when he helps save many lives and afterward when he helps inspire others to keep trying.
For many characters, love itself does not change during the race massacre, but love informs their actions in new ways during the race massacre. For example, several people choose to sacrifice themselves to save others’ lives. Angel’s father begs his family to flee without him since he would need to move slower than them, possibly resulting in all of their deaths. Mrs. Edward refuses to flee due to her age and physical condition, but she does grant Isaiah and Muggy the forgiveness they seek for destroying her mailbox. Lastly, Muggy sacrifices his own life to save countless others, even though he is young, healthy, and capable of running fast. However, his biggest wish at that moment was to help others and repent for his past ways. Angel’s father and Muggy both show that love can be greater than life itself and, as the church mothers sang, “No greater love, Than a man would lay down his life for a friend” (272).
Although the race massacre does not occur until the end of the novel, racial violence and resilience are introduced as central concepts early on. For example, Angel saves money for a month to purchase some crutches to help her father, who has fallen ill, walk on his own. As she’s walking from the store to her house with the crutches, a large group of white boys outside Isaiah’s house take the crutches from her and destroy them. Although the crutches are inanimate objects, the white kids are still annoyed at how difficult they are to destroy:
The […] boy […] lifted the crutches and slammed them to the ground as hard as he could. The boy cursed the fact that even his most powerful whack left only a small scratch on them […] and lost himself in a fit of rage. He began pounding the crutches onto the rim of the Frisco tracks with as much force as he could muster. After a few minutes, they were shattered (8).
That the crutches could not be easily shattered symbolically foreshadows how the community of Greenwood will refuse to be “shattered” after the riot is over. Also, the choice of the train tracks as a means to destroy the crutches demonstrates the threat of violence that comes with racial inequality and segregation, as symbolized by the tracks. Although Angel’s physical property gets stolen and destroyed, she doesn’t allow the white kids to take what’s most important: her own life or her hope for a better future. Even with the first pair of crutches gone, she still formulates a plan to buy new ones.
The tight-knit community of Greenwood remains resilient even in the face of unimaginable violence and destruction. When Isaiah and Angel see a violent mob burning their community, they don’t just give up and cut their losses. Even though they realize they can’t stop the mob from burning most of their buildings and stealing from them, they act to save as many lives as possible and rescue a few mementos to keep their faith and memories alive. All members of the community spring into action, helping others take care of children, tend to wounds, direct people to safety, and wake others up so they can flee their houses before they start burning. Despite—or perhaps because of—the unimaginable violence and hatred surrounding them, the community members muster all the love, bravery, and helpfulness they can to keep their community’s heart alive despite the massive force that hopes to destroy it.
The mob destroys most of Greenwood’s buildings and kills many people, but this does not mean that the mob “won” or that Greenwood’s community is “broken.” Instead, at the novel’s end, the remaining community members gather in the same field where they sought refuge from the bomb and make a plan for the future. They create a makeshift outdoor kitchen to feed everyone and an outdoor playpen to entertain toddlers and keep them safe. Isaiah gives an impassioned speech that speaks to the resilience of Greenwood’s residents. Although the white mob stole physical objects, buildings, and people from them, they weren’t able to steal their knowledge, faith, hope, or spirit, which are the foundation of the community more than any physical structures:
We’ve seen what life is supposed to be for men and women and children and families. […] We’ve tasted glory. Peace. Held them both precious in our slippery hands, and we will grab hold of them again […] Every family represented here is a light of knowing […] This […] cannot be burned away from us. […] It was not our homes or our businesses that the white men were trying to steal away that fateful night. No, it was the knowing they saw building up within our bodies (277-78).
Because of the Greenwood community’s incredible resilience, the true community was not destroyed and will be rebuilt, albeit not in the same way it was built originally. The novel does not spell out where exactly everyone is going to live going forward or whether they’ll all stay in the same location, but it does make clear that the community is still thriving despite its loss and will keep fighting for a more just and equitable future.
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