98 pages 3 hours read

Margaret Peterson Haddix

Among the Hidden

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1998

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Important Quotes

Quotation Mark Icon

“He laid his hoe down gently, and savored one last moment of feeling warm soil beneath his bare feet. He reminded himself, ‘I will never be allowed outside again. Maybe never again as long as I live.’”

(Chapter 1, Page 1)

At the very beginning of the novel, Luke realizes that his life will change forever now that the trees around his house are coming down. This quote not only establishes the trees as a symbol of safety, but it begins to define the dystopian world Luke lives in by showing how his freedoms are limited.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Before that, he had thought that only very little kids had to stay out of sight. He had thought, as soon as he was as old as Matthew and Mark, he would get to go around like they did, riding to the backfield and even into town with Dad, hanging their heads and arms out the pickup window.”

(Chapter 2, Page 6)

This quote provides insight into Luke’s thought process and how he came to understand the situation he lives in while growing up. This quote also introduces the theme of The Effects of Privilege by illustrating the differences between Luke’s older brothers, who are allowed to exist legally, and Luke, who must stay hidden.

Quotation Mark Icon

“For a while, Luke watched Dad, Mother, Matthew, and Mark eating in silence, a complete family of four. Once, he cleared his throat, ready to protest again. You can’t do this—it’s not fair— Then he choked back the words, unspoken.”

(Chapter 4, Page 22)

After Luke is made to sit on the stairs to eat dinner for the first time, his anger about his situation as a shadow child wells up. However, this quote shows how Luke holds in his emotions about the circumstances of his life—a habit he’s developed all his life to keep his family from feeling bad. This is one of many developments that happen within Luke’s household after the new neighborhood is built, showing how Luke’s freedoms and dignity slowly dwindle.

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