57 pages 1 hour read

Shane Bauer

American Prison: A Reporter’s Undercover Journey into the Business of Punishment

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2018

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Chapters 7-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary

As Bauer tours Winn’s segregation unit, he witnesses the aftermath of prisoner unrest: burned mattresses, unruly inmates, garbage littering the floor, and the smell of human feces. CCA has sent in a Special Operation Response Team (SORT) to regain control of the unit, which is a cacophony of angry, threatening inmates and defensive COs ready to retaliate. As Bauer escorts an inmate to disciplinary court, the man resists, confronting Bauer. A SORT officer intervenes, explaining that in the event of resistance COs are authorized to “knee him in the back of the leg and drop him to the concrete” (65).

One day, Bauer and the other cadets tour Winn’s “inmate court.” It is not a criminal court, per se, and unlike federal prison in which inmate infractions are referred to legitimate courts, at Winn, discipline “often remains in the hands of the company” (66). Defendants are represented by “inmate counsel,” fellow inmates who receive state-run training, although Miss Lawson, the acting judge, admits that inmate counsel arguments rarely affect her decisions. These court decisions can also impact CCA financially. If the court rules, for example, that a defendant’s hospital visit was unwarranted, CCA can bill that inmate for their medical expenses rather than foot the bill itself.

The following week, Bauer transports an inmate to Shreveport for radiation treatment, but his training officer offers little guidance. Later, while waiting in a holding area, Tucker and other police officers whimsically share stories about lost or misplaced sidearms, one of which even found its way into the hands of an inmate.

Two weeks into Bauer’s training, an inmate escapes, and the lone CO monitoring the video cameras doesn’t notice. Although he is apprehended later that day, the incident threatens CCA’s contract with Louisiana. Later, Bauer is called to deliver food to a unit on lockdown, and he gets into a confrontation with another cadet who refuses to help.

Chapter 8 Summary

In the pre-Civil War years, New Orleans debated building its own penitentiary, but many Southerners opposed the idea. If the penitentiary delivered equal opportunity punishment— subjecting white and Black Americans to the same hard labor for crimes committed—then the institution would subvert the notion of white superiority. Furthermore, some doubted the reformers’ claim that the penitentiary was more humane. However, when New Orleans jails became overcrowded, taxing the state’s financial resources, the thought of a profit-generating penal system became irresistible.

Conditions in the Baton Rouge penitentiary were severe, with prohibitions on singing or dancing, looking at visitors, and speaking to guards. The hours were long, and the labor was hard, but the prison turned a profit. When the state mechanized prison labor and provided a direct pipeline from Southern cotton fields to prison looms, the efficiency generated “more than $5000 ($135,000 in 2018 dollars)” (79). However, when the economy crashed in 1837, the state could no longer afford to maintain its penitentiary, so it handed the reins to a private company. Unlike slaveowners who had an incentive to keep their slaves healthy and working, the administrators of the Baton Rouge penitentiary had no such obligations, and convicts were employed for some of the most dangerous work, like building levees. Inside the prison, conditions were just as harsh: Convicts were subject to brutal punishments for even slight infractions.

Privatization of the penitentiary was a success, and soon the state ramped up the scale of production. However, the inmate population wasn’t large enough to keep up with demand. After registering complaints with the state, the prison population increased by 50 percent. Soon, industrialization fervor took hold across the South with several states following New Orleans’s lead. The potential for profit eclipsed everything, including any sense of justice or rehabilitation.

Chapter 9 Summary

Bauer and his fellow cadets take a personality test to help the administrators find the best fit for them. “Gold” personalities, for example, value rules; “orange” personalities are spontaneous. Bauer’s result is “green” which signifies he is analytical and curious, a rarity for this job, and Miss Blanchard admits there is no clear fit for him. She also says that over time personalities tend to shift toward gold, a comment Bauer finds disturbing. He always assumed personalities are fixed attributes, but as the famous 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment shows, personalities can easily change given the right external circumstances. In that study, student volunteers were divided into two groups: guards and prisoners. In an imaginary prison setting, lead researcher Philip Zimbardo observed student guards becoming genuinely brutal with the “inmates.” The study, intended to last two weeks, was ended early because the participants were under so much psychological strain.

During his third week of training, Bauer works in the chow hall, assigning tables and monitoring inmates’ eating time. One inmate refuses to sit where Bauer assigns him, and a brief power struggle ensues. Bauer tries to “project confidence,” and eventually the inmate complies. For a moment, Bauer enjoys the power, striding confidently among the tables and “making enough eye contact with people to show I’m not intimidated but not holding it long enough to threaten them” (86). Cognizant of the shift in his own personality, he backs off, letting inmates sit where they choose and giving them enough time to finish eating.

The following morning, Bauer brings his pen/audio recorder into the prison for the first time. That day’s training covers “use-of-force” policy. The NRA-certified instructor informs them that use of deadly force is justified if imminent danger is present. In classic circular logic, imminent danger is defined as “a level of danger that justifies the use of deadly force” (88). They are told to shoot any attacker, even if he is unarmed, not once but multiple times. The instructor then tells the cadets how “easy” it is for a CO to lose his right to carry a gun, spinning an odd, cautionary tale of domestic abuse. If your “better half” starts an argument, he warns, just leave until “she simmers down” (90).

Later, Bauer, Miss Blanchard, and another cadet tour the barn office which houses the horses—which are no longer used—and the guard and tracking dogs. The office is staffed by older COs who have seen budget cuts deplete the staff and work programs. They wax nostalgic about the days when more liberal use of force was tolerated. One of the COs relates a story about an inmate being used for dog training. Sent into the woods in a “bite suit,” the inmate gets too close to the pursuing dogs, resulting in severe lacerations of his face and throat. The guards laugh it off.

Four weeks in, his training complete, Bauer takes his final exam. It is comprehensive and “intimidating,” but Miss Blanchard assures them that no one has ever been dismissed for failing the exam.

Chapter 10 Summary

Historically, most Southern states did not imprison recalcitrant enslaved people, allowing the plantation owners to mete out their own punishments. Louisiana, however, sentenced some enslaved people to its penitentiary, compensating the owners $300 for the loss of property. When prison officials integrated the inmates by gender, with Black women alongside the men, many became pregnant. In 1848, the state legislature passed a law requiring that any children born in prison would be raised by the mother until age ten, at which point the child would become a ward of the state and auctioned off, the revenue used to fund schools for white children. By the time the Louisiana state penitentiary was taken over by Union troops, the state had made “$7591 from the enslaved offspring of incarcerated mothers, roughly $200,000 in 2018 dollars” (97).

During the Civil War, the penitentiary produced enormous quantities of goods for the war effort. When Union troops drove the Confederate Army out of Baton Rouge, they assumed control of the prison, turning it into a Union Army factory. When the Confederates counterattacked four months later, Union forces withdrew, but not before freeing the inmates and drafting them into service. The penitentiary was burned to the ground. After the war, a Louisiana civil engineer named Samuel Lawrence James saw the limitless possibility of convict leasing. With so many former enslaved people now free and jobless, many would end up incarcerated. James imagined sprawling new antebellum plantations turning massive profits using the free labor of inmates: “The whole prison system could be run as a business. And it would all be for him” (99).

Chapters 7-10 Analysis

Bauer’s extensive research traces a clear path from America’s earliest prison system to its current, high-tech iteration. The antecedents of the modern prison-for-profit model were established long ago, predating even the Civil War. Bauer argues that, in a capitalist economy, anything can be monetized, even human beings, and when the bottom line is threatened, cutting costs means cutting humanity and dignity. The false equivalency of comparing human lives to, as CCA co-founder Thomas Beasley claims, cars or hamburgers is lost on the recipients of prison profits; and it doesn’t hurt to rhetorically—and practically—reduce inmates to savages. When crime is seen not through a psychological or sociological lens but through the reductive view of a privileged and frightened public, treating inmates as animals to be whipped into submission makes a lot more sense.

While the lash and stocks have been replaced by teargas and isolation wards, the fundamental attitude driving these punishments has not changed. It’s apparent in conversations among COs and in the statements of Winn administrators, who openly admit that profit is everything. Staff reductions, rationing of medical care, and elimination of work programs are all par for the course in order to ensure stockholder satisfaction. Ironically, CCA sabotages its very reason for existence—public safety—in order to guarantee a profit. An inmate escapes because staff cuts have left no guard in the watchtower and only a single CO monitoring the multiple video feeds. Training officers admit morale is low. The meager pay, meanwhile, gives Winn’s staff little incentive to go beyond the barest minimum effort.

Bauer also cites the infamous 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment, a landmark study of human behavior. In it, psychologist Philip Zimbardo divided a group of students into “prisoners” and “guards” in a simulated prison environment. Originally intended to study how people react to authority, the experiment quickly devolved into an abusive microcosm of the real thing, as some of the “guards” acted sadistically toward the “prisoners.” While the methodology and results of Zimbardo’s experiment have been challenged recently—some of the students claim they were coached to act in a certain way—Zimbardo has defended his research, and the final results are not so black and white (Resnick, Brian. “Philip Zimbardo defends the Stanford Prison Experiment, his most famous work.” Vox. 2018). One thing remains clear, however—even Bauer’s anecdotal experience suggests that putting ordinary people in roles of authority can cause subtle—and not so subtle—changes in personality. Even a seasoned reporter trained to be objective and skeptical can fall prey to the seduction of power.