73 pages 2 hours read

Alan Brinkley

American History: A Survey

Nonfiction | Reference/Text Book | Adult | Published in 1971

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Chapters 25-28

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 25 Summary & Analysis: “The Global Crisis, 1921-1941”

While the economic and social turmoil of the 1920s and 1930s played out on American soil, the question of US involvement in international politics was still widely debated. After World War I, Woodrow Wilson’s dreams of the country as a full-fledged international player were crushed when it became clear that not only would the US not become a key member of the League of Nations, but it would not join the organization at all.

The motivations for isolationism were clear to many Americans: It was Europe that had been devastated by the war, not the US, and despite the crushing blow of the depression on the American economy, most European countries had it much worse, as they did not experience a 1920s economic boom. Many American leaders, especially conservative Republicans, hoped to benefit from the relatively strong position of the US. American businesses established themselves in the weak European market. The federal government embarked on a system of circular loans, which on paper helped countries like Germany recover but ultimately put every war-torn European country in massive debt to the US, a debt that conservatives were hesitant to forgive even if it meant further crippling the world economy. The war did little to stabilize Europe, and at the same time, crises emerged in other parts of the world, most notably among Japan, China, and the Soviet Union. The US responded primarily by attempting to economically capitalize on the struggles without offering much help to other countries.

Many of the worst economic decisions had originated in the Hoover administration—despite Hoover’s personal desire to improve international relations—and became additional issues for Franklin Roosevelt to address. These failures were largely due to a lackadaisical approach to foreign economic policy. Ultimately, the US had to make a stark choice: Become more actively involved in foreign affairs on all levels, or fully adopt the popular concept of isolationism and focus only on problems that were a direct threat to the US.

The first years of the Roosevelt administration leaned more heavily on isolationism, with key exceptions like his attempts to make naval disarmament agreements with certain European countries. Many Americans favored an isolationist approach after seeing what they considered a failure of other countries’ internationalism, such as the League of Nations failing to have any real impact on the Japan-China conflict. Meanwhile, tensions in Europe were reaching a breaking point with the rise of multiple right wing dictatorships threatening to plunge the continent into another major war. At first, the US, both the population and most of the government, did not think there was any place for American intervention in any of the new global conflicts. Italian dictator Benito Mussolini began an aggressive campaign of conquest in Africa, and Hitler led the Nazi army into the countries surrounding Germany. Nevertheless, the conflict mostly remained in Central and Eastern Europe, with the Soviet Union as the only major opposition force to German invasion.

Everything changed in 1940. The Nazis conquered France and set their sights on Britain, which rallied the American public to see the new empire as a genuine threat to both their country and its European allies. This in turn made Roosevelt immensely popular once again, earning support for his longtime views on interventionalist politics. With no viable Democratic opposition, Roosevelt won a third term as president in 1940. He took the opportunity to ramp up aid to Britain, slowly moving the US toward direct involvement in the war. The breaking point for the US did not come from Europe but from the Japanese, who had quietly been waging an imperialist campaign in China and other Asian countries. The US attempted to broker a truce, but the plan was a catastrophic failure that culminated in the Japanese attack on the Hawaiian military base Pearl Harbor in 1941. After the attack, American support for the war became all but unanimous, and the country officially entered the conflict the next day by declaring war on Japan. War with Germany and the other Axis powers followed three days later.

Chapter 26 Summary & Analysis: “America in a World at War”

After the attack on Pearl Harbor and the official US entrance into World War II, many thought the war would inevitably—and soon—reach the shores of North America. Although it never did, the war profoundly impacted nearly every aspect of life in the US. Unlike any conflict before or since, it gained almost total support from American citizens, and nearly everyone participated in the effort to defeat the Axis powers (as Germany, Japan, Italy and their allies had come to be called).

Despite the united effort, in many ways the US failed to protect those most vulnerable to the effects of World War II. The most dramatic example was the effort to block Holocaust refugees from entering the US. Antisemitism was rampant across the world at the time of the war, which was part of the reason that the Nazis focused on Jewish people as their primary target in the first place. US and British officials attempted to deny early knowledge of the Holocaust for many years, but American History notes that they were aware. The public in both the US and Europe was also aware, despite Nazi efforts to conceal their war crimes, and many pressured the government to act, either by allowing refugees or destroying the concentration camps. For reasons that likely included both racism and misguided foreign policy, the Allied forces insisted that the only way to free the Nazis’ victims was to win the war entirely.

Concentration camps were not only a Nazi tactic. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the US declaration of war with Japan, the US began to round up Japanese citizens and move them to camps scattered around the American West. Although the Japanese camps did not enact brutal systematic murder like the Nazi camps, Japanese Americans who were placed in the camps were typically forced to abandon their home and property at a moment’s notice and work at the camps without compensation. This highlights a major difference between American attitudes toward Europeans versus Asians. Although the Nazis were almost all German, anti-German American attitudes never truly took hold in the US. In contrast, even many years before World War II, anti-Asian sentiment was common, especially on the West Coast. When the federal government declared its plan to “relocate“ Japanese citizens, public resistance was basically non-existent. Many people saw the camps as unnecessary and based on false assumptions about Japanese people’s loyalties, but public outcry against the practice was minimal, even in communities from which the majority of people were taken. The prisoners were all released from the camps by 1945, and reparations were finally awarded to camp survivors in 1988. Fully quantifying the effect of the camps on anti-Asian racism is likely impossible, but it was certainly profound, as was the effect on Japan itself. While the US typically ran a calculated and cautious war in Europe, the war in Japan abruptly halt when the US made it the target of the first and only atomic bombings the world had ever seen.

While World War II negatively affected Japanese Americans, the war gave other marginalized groups opportunities—especially women—to participate in society in ways they previously could not. As the military drafted young men in droves, women filled in the gaps they left in the American industrial machine. Wartime employment opportunities for women skyrocketed, and suddenly they were viewed as a critical component of the Allied effort. Popular media celebrated the employment of women through characters like Rosie the Riveter. Black people, still living under segregation even in the military, used the war to force the government to offer them new levels of equality. The government faced a lack of manpower both in the military and on the home front, and Black people seized the opportunity to force the government’s hand—and finally saw some progress in employment opportunities and the easing of segregation. Despite the increases in equality during the war, however, equality for many groups eroded again as soon as the fighting ended. This was particularly true for Indigenous Americans. Like other marginalized people, many Indigenous men and women entered white spaces during the war and began to see assimilation as a good thing. The Navajo “code talkers“ provided an indispensable service to the military, using their native language, which has no relation to any Indo-European language, as an unbreakable code to relay important messages over military radios. However, despite their heroic efforts, most Indigenous Americans returned to their reservations after the war with little reward for their contributions.

By the time the war ended, the American economy had rebounded from the Great Depression. After two back-to-back world conflicts with no warfare occurring directly within the US, the country was not only economically stable but had substantial advantages over the doubly war-ravaged countries in Europe and elsewhere. The postwar years were a critical period in which American culture flourished and began to influence life around the world.

Chapter 27 Summary & Analysis: “The Cold War”

The Soviet Union, still a new nation during World War II, was arguably the most important player in the Allied victory in Europe. Soviet forces were the first to infiltrate and liberate the concentration camps. Their expansive war efforts solidified the Soviets as a newly minted world power, and despite their wartime alliance, after the fighting was over, the US and the Soviet Union entered a decades-long struggle to become the dominant influence on world politics and culture.

The opposition between communism and democracy that would come to define the Cold War was not a crucial source of early disagreements among the powerful Allied nations. Immediately after the war, the world’s nations came together to work out a plan for the future of world power. They formed the United Nations, which—unlike the previous League of Nations—was accepted by all parties. However, the leaders of the Allied nations were far from agreement, as each desired to shape the world in a way that would benefit their own interests. The Soviet Union, knowing that its form of government was at odds with much of Europe, hoped to create a unified Eastern Europe under state-run communism. The US had a vision in which countries could mostly act as they pleased within certain agreed-on guidelines, with the major powers acting as global police. Great Britain, meanwhile, hoped to retain its vast empire.

From the beginning, the former Allied powers agreed on almost nothing. How to deal with Germany became the first major conflict, and peaceful negotiation quickly fell apart. Communism became viewed as a major threat to US international goals, and the Cold War soon became a conflict of ideology. This conflict only increased when China, another major world power, officially became communist in 1949. The same year, most countries in Western Europe joined with the US to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The scope and purpose of NATO has evolved in the years since it was formed, but originally it constituted a pact between member countries to work as a unified front against the threats they perceived from the Soviet Union and other communist countries.

The Cold War is often described as bloodless, but the Korean War represented an exception to this view. As is true today, Korea in 1950 was split between the communist north and the Western-sympathizing south. When North Korea invaded its southern neighbor, countries on both sides of the Cold War quickly became involved. Ultimately, the war ended with thousands of people dead and no real resolution to the conflict. In the US, the war fueled seething anti-communist sentiment and in many ways helped bring about the panic over communism that shaped American political life through the 1950s and beyond.

American anxieties about communism did not begin without reason: In the decade after World War II, the Soviet Union successfully built nuclear weapons and made other advances that indicated they might be a real threat to American world supremacy. The domestic Red Scare, however, was primarily as a political tool by the Republican Party, a tactic that would come to define the party for years to come. Republican federal employees, most notably Senator Joseph McCarthy and then Congressman Richard Nixon, stirred fears of a communist insurrection in the US. The Red Scare culminated in ruin and even death for many government employees and private citizens who were deemed subversive, usually with little to no evidence. Despite having little basis in reality, the anti-communist fervor brought new life to the Republican Party, which dominated the 1952 election with the sweeping victory of Dwight D. Eisenhower. With his victory, 20 years of Democratic governance ended, and the formerly progressive Republican Party solidified itself as the party of the conservative right.

Chapter 28 Summary & Analysis: “The Affluent Society”

Much like the post-World War I era, American economic and industrial development boomed in the decade after World War II. Many Americans had worried about a return to the Great Depression after the war, but those fears did not come to fruition. Along with fears of communism came a wholehearted embrace of capitalism; US economic policy throughout the 1950s made great attempts to manage the economy without serious regulations on private enterprise. At the time, this was a relatively new concept, but it would come to form the core of Republican Party beliefs in subsequent decades.

The expansion of American business during the 1950s and early 60s had many positive outcomes and in many ways shaped how the country developed throughout the modern era. Advances in healthcare, especially immunology, saved countless lives and improved the living conditions of people throughout the world. Increased research in electronics during World War II led to the invention of television and major advancements in computer technology. Computers did not enter public life for many years, but television transformed lives even more than radio had in the 1920s. In addition, the 1950s saw the dawn of the space program, which became a particular focus of the Cold War, as the US and the Soviet Union competed to prove their technological dominance. On a personal level, many Americans saw great advancements in their economic standing in the1950s, leading to the growth of suburban communities and the rapid expansion of consumerism. As in the 1920s, youth culture significantly influenced 1950s culture as a whole. Young white musicians became interested in long-standing Black musical styles like the blues and jazz, and they used their cultural privilege to transform and market their own versions of Black styles as rock and roll.

Many modern Americans, especially conservatives, paint the 1950s as a time of universal happiness and success. However, this was far from the full picture. Racial segregation was still the law across the South, and the abandonment of cities in favor of suburbs for many affluent white people created poverty-stricken inner city areas with few opportunities for their residents, and because most were Black or Hispanic, their pleas for economic assistance were largely ignored. Rural areas, too, became poorer in the 1950s, as agriculture increasingly relied on large factory farms, and small farmers were unable to compete. Again, this most affected Black farmers in the South, who faced both declining agricultural profits and discrimination from both government institutions and their white neighbors. After years of oppression with little successful resistance, the civil rights movement grew in unprecedented ways in the 1950s. The official end of school segregation through Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the rise of Martin Luther King, Black people’s frustration at being left out from the economic advances of white society, and other factors came together to finally create a movement with real impact for marginalized Americans despite continued resistance from many white people.

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