63 pages 2 hours read

Deepti Kapoor

Age of Vice

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2023

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Part 3, Chapter 10-Part 4, Chapter 16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3, Chapter 10 Summary: “Mehrauli, 2004. Sunny”

The narrative point of view shifts to Sunny. The night of the Mercedes killings, Sunny drives through Delhi with the unconscious Gautam and Neda in the backseat. He has already forgotten about Ajay. He calls up his father’s manager Tinu and tells him what has happened. Tinu asks Sunny to meet Chandra at an address in Amrita Shergill Marg, a street where members of parliament usually have official homes. Chandra has Gautam and Neda sent away in separate cars and promises Sunny that Neda will be treated with courtesy. Sunny is taken to his father’s farmhouse, where he agonizes about his decisions.

When Bunty comes to meet him, Sunny shows him the Polaroid of Gautam and tells him that everything he did was for him. Bunty tells Sunny he is proud of him: Sunny finally knows “what it means to be ruthless” (375). The Polaroid is their way to control Gautam and his rich family for the rest of their lives. Bunty tells Sunny to get clean of drugs. When Sunny returns to the family home, he is given a reward. His father gives him land to build his dream project, but not in Delhi. The land is in the border across Delhi and UP. The project will be overseen by Dinesh Singh.

Part 3, Chapter 11 Summary: “Ajay IV”

Once he receives the picture of his sister Hema, Ajay knows that he will have to kill Karan. Ajay wishes he could say no to people, starting with Sunny when Sunny asked him to get into the Mercedes and take the fall. However, the reality is his sister is all he has—“he must kill Karan and save her” (382). Ajay’s plan is that he will offer to buy Prem from Sikander.

Ajay takes Prem to Karan, hiding a razor under his own tongue. After dropping Prem off, he pretends to leave, but reenters the bathroom where Karan and Prem are making love. Ajay slits Karan’s throat with the razor, killing him instantly. A screaming Prem takes the razor from Karan’s throat and slits his own wrists. Ajay ignores Prem and walks out.

Part 4, Chapter 12 Summary: “Lucknow, 2006. Dinesh and Sunny”

Sunny is in Lucknow, the state capital of UP, to finalize the papers for the land his father has acquired for him. The land is in Greater Noida, a huge UP suburb bordering Delhi, part of the larger Delhi region. The farmers to whom the land belonged have been bought off. Dinesh, the young politician, is helping Sunny complete the transfer. Dinesh takes Sunny out for lunch at a dhaba in the countryside and reveals that like Sunny, Dinesh too is sick of his father’s control and old-fashioned corruption. Dinesh suggests that Bunty has betrayed Sunny in the worst way, which Sunny refuses to believe. Dinesh notes that Sunny looks the worse for wear since Neda went away.

According to Dinesh, the arrangement between their fathers this: Bunty Wadia would help Ram Singh gain political power, and Ram Singh would help the Wadias grow rich through the liquor trade. However, Bunty Wadia grew greedy, quietly stealing subsidized medical drugs designated for the poor through his truck routes, and acquiring the land of slumdwellers and farmers. With a shortage of subsidized medicines in public hospitals, the poor have no choice but to go to private hospitals, such as the ones Wadia plans to build in his real estate projects, situated on the very lands he has acquired unfairly. Sooner or later, the poor will learn the truth. Dinesh advises Sunny against the Greater Noida land deal, as it will lead to “political suicide” for both the Singhs and the Wadias. Sunny dismisses Dinesh.

Part 4, Chapter 13 Summary: “2007”

This chapter is structured as two newspaper reports by Dean H. Saldanha, Neda’s ex-boss at The Post. In one piece, Dean shows how the farmers of Machya village, which falls on path of a proposed eight-lane express highway between Delhi and Agra, agreed to sell their lands in the name of development. The highway is to be built by Wadia Infratech. However, when 400 more villages are notified for the construction of a large megacity called “Tech City” a few months later, the farmers sense something amiss. When they learn that Tech City is being built by a real estate firm called “Shunya Futures,” whose CEO is none other than Sunny Wadia, Bunty Wadia’s son, the farmers band across caste lines to protest a planned conspiracy.

In the second piece, Dean reports a dramatic turn of events in the mass protest against the Shunya Futures project. In full view of TV cameras, Dinesh Singh has joined protesting famers in their barricade. Dinesh sends a message to his father and party not to alienate the very people who voted them in power. His father must not forget that the people can as easily take that power away.

Part 4, Chapter 14 Summary: “Greater Noida. Eli”

Eli has been Sunny’s chauffeur and bodyguard around the clock since Ajay went to prison. The day the newspaper report about Dinesh Singh’s dramatic turnaround is published, Sunny asks Eli to drive him out of Delhi to Dinesh’s country villa to confront the politician. When they reach the villa, Dinesh comes out to greet Sunny. Sunny asks Eli to wait outside.

Eli reflects on his boss as he waits for him. Eli is torn between contempt and pity for Sunny, whose life after the departure of Ajay and Neda is steeped in pointless excess. Sunny appears on the scene and asks Eli to drive them away. As Eli starts the car, Dinesh hands Sunny an envelope. Sunny opens it. Eli can make out the documents in the envelope are an X-ray film and photos taken from a distance. Just then a masked man steps out from behind a parked truck, brandishing a gun.

Part 4, Chapter 15 Summary: “The Godown”

Eli has been Sunny’s chauffeur and bodyguard around the clock since Ajay went to prison. The day the newspaper report about Dinesh Singh’s dramatic turnaround is published, Sunny asks Eli to drive him out of Delhi to Dinesh’s country villa to confront the politician. When they reach the villa, Dinesh comes out to greet Sunny. Sunny asks Eli to wait outside.

Eli reflects on his boss as he waits for him. Eli is torn between contempt and pity for Sunny, whose life after the departure of Ajay and Neda is steeped in pointless excess. Sunny appears on the scene and asks Eli to drive them away. As Eli starts the car, Dinesh hands Sunny an envelope. Sunny opens it. Eli can make out the documents in the envelope are an X-ray film and photos taken from a distance. Just then a masked man steps out from behind a parked truck, brandishing a gun.

Part 4, Chapter 15 Summary: “The Godown”

A badly beaten Sunny drifts in and out of consciousness in a smelly warehouse somewhere in the country. He has been kidnapped. Eli’s fate is unknown. A ghoulish man Sunny dubs “the Incubus” hovers around him. The Incubus makes Sunny talk briefly to Bunty to show him Sunny is alive. The Incubus wants a ransom for Sunny. He leaves Sunny alone briefly with his associate, Manoj.

Manoj tells Sunny his reason for participating in Sunny’s abduction. Manoj is one of the farmers whose land was acquired in Machya. Though his family received eight crore rupees for the land, the money made their lives worse. Once the fields were gone, the men of the village had nothing to do but spend money. Manoj’s brother bought a Lamborghini, but it was unsuitable for the village’s narrow lanes. The Lamborghini’s engine caught fire and the car burnt down. Manoj’s brother went to the car showroom in Delhi and asked for a refund. When the dealer refused, the brother shot him dead and was sent to jail. When Manoj recently met his brother in jail, he told him the way to get their money back was to team up with the Incubus, an inmate due for release, and kidnap the man behind Shunya real estate.

At this point Sunny recalls his meeting with Dinesh. Dinesh had once again suggested he and Sunny team up against their respective fathers. As proof of Bunty’s betrayal, Dinesh gave Sunny an envelope. The envelope, which Sunny opens in his car, contains an image of a sonogram of his and Neda’s child, and photos of Neda and Chandra at the clinic where the pregnancy was terminated. Meanwhile, the Incubus returns and sends Manoj off to get the first installment of the ransom. The Incubus gags Sunny so that Sunny can listen to his story quietly.

Part 4, Chapter 16 Summary: “All Glory Must Go to Gods”

The Incubus tells his story:

His name is Sunil Rastogi. He belongs to a lower middle-class family in Bulandshahar, close to the Delhi-UP border. Rastogi is pulled into a life of crime after his older brother is shot dead in a highway robbery. The cops refuse to take him to the hospital, even though he is still alive. Rastogi’s mother passes away from grief. Rastogi’s opportunistic uncle, who lives in the house next door, seizes his family’s land and animals, as well as the widow of Rastogi’s older brother. At 19, Rastogi is filled with rage, which he directs against women, terrorizing them. When he attempts to abduct an upper-class woman runner, he is picked up by the police. Subsequently, the local Superintendent of Police Sukanya Sarkar recruits Rastogi as a mole. She wants Rastogi to gather intel on the Chaddi-Baniyan gang, a notorious group of robbers and murderers who have recently resurfaced in their area.

The dreaded Chaddi-Baniyan gang is named so because they strip to their underwear while committing their crimes. Their modus operandi is to coat themselves with black engine grease so they are physically difficult to catch. The gang accosts wedding parties on lonely highways, raping the women, killing the men, and departing with the looted car, cash, and jewelry.

Sukanya Sarkar assigns Rastogi the task of infiltrating and reporting on the gang in a month. When finding intel on the gang proves tough, Rastogi convinces his gang of petty thieves to commit a copycat crime. Rastogi tells the SP that this crime is the handiwork of the Chaddi-Baniyan gang; moreover, he knows how to ambush them. Rastogi coaxes his group to act against another party of wedding guests; unknown to the gang, these are cops in disguise. The gang is killed in a police shootout, and the cops declare the Chaddi-Baniyan group decimated. However, later Rastogi calls the SP from an unknown location and tells her he had created the gang to make her happy. She asks him to never call her again.

Rastogi moves from one criminal gang to the next. He gains a reputation as being the one who got away, the man with a gift for cheating death. He often takes on different aliases to carry out hits, sometimes using the same modus operandi as the Chaddi-Baniyan gang. One day, he is told a very powerful mafioso from Eastern UP wants to meet him. The man goes by the name “Himmatgiri.” After meeting Himmatgiri, Rastogi visits his village in Bulandshahr, where he learns their ancestral lands have been acquired by Sunny’s real estate firm. Rastogi’s uncle frames him for a robbery. Rastogi lands in jail, where he meets Manoj’s older brother, Sonu. One day, Sonu and Rastogi watch Sunny Wadia on the TV. Rastogi is transfixed by Sunny’s face. Sony tells Rastogi he wants revenge on Sunny for looting his land. Sonu and Rastogi hatch a plan to kidnap Sunny for a ransom. However, there is another reason Rastogi has chosen to target Sunny.

When Rastogi met the tall, imposing man called Himmatgiri, he fell under his thrall. Meeting Himmatgiri gave Rastogi a new purpose. With an emerald ring flashing at his throat, Himmatgiri tells Rastogi that Rastogi is a vessel who has come to him for a reason. Rastogi’s destiny is clear. From here, he must go west to his birthplace. Thereon, fate will carry him to a place where a face will arrest his imagination. Rastogi must find that face and deliver to him first the message of pain, then the story of his own life, and finally, spare him, because the face belongs to Himmatgiri’s son. It was destined that Rastogi be transfixed by Sunny’s face, meet him, and cause him pain. It is also destined Rastogi will not kill Sunny. Rastogi concludes his story as a joyous Manoj arrives with the money. Rastogi slashes Manoj’s throat until he bleeds to death. He leaves with the bag of cash. Sunny is rescued thereafter. 

Part 3, Chapter 10-Part 4, Chapter 16 Analysis

The plot picks up speed, building toward the climactic event of Sunny’s kidnapping. Part 3 is narrated from Sunny’s point of view, filling in the rest of the gaps about the Mercedes killing. From Part 4 onward, the perspective switches between Sunny’s point of view, the point of view of other characters, and the third-person omniscient, or god-like perspective that knows all. If Parts 1-3 focus on the events leading to the Mercedes killings and its immediate aftermath, Part 4 and onward zoom out to the larger story of which the Mercedes killings is only one cog. The novel fleshes out the interconnected web of structural inequality, wealth, and politics.

The style of Sonny’s close, third-person perspective has unique characteristics that reveal his psyche and socioeconomic reality. His point-of-view sections contain many passages comprised entirely of short sentences and phrases, reflecting his altered state of mind and avoidance of thoughts of the past and future. For instance, when Sunny wakes up at the Wadia farmhouse villa after the night of the Mercedes killings, the language is clipped and staccato, with several incomplete sentences:

He turned on the kitchen tap, spat dry sticky blood into the sink.
Blew each nostril.
From the freezer, a bottle of Grey Goose
He poured the viscous spirit down his throat.
A coughing fit. Doubled over. Retching (364).

The prose closely focuses on Sunny’s physical actions in the present. The clipped language mirrors his desire to obliterate thought.

In the novel, illicit substances symbolize corruption and decay. The narration focusing on Sunny contains several references to drugs and alcohol, indicating Sunny’s descent into depravity. In the previous section, a grieving Neda becomes increasingly dependent on alcohol. This suggests that characters turn to alcohol as a form of escape from moral turmoil.

This section explores toxic masculinity and the relationship between sons and fathers. Sunny finally wins Bunty’s approval by becoming the ruthless man of his father’s dreams, yet he sacrifices his soul and innocence in the process. Neda and Bunty are fighting a war for Sunny’s spirit, which Bunty wins. To be a man and a manly son in Bunty’s universe is to be the opposite of a woman. This perpetuates the never-ending cycle of violent masculinity.

In Sunny’s case, filial expectation is doubled in the form of Vicky. Throughout the novel, the narrative hints that Vicky may be even more closely related to Sunny than Sunny thinks, with Neda noting that Vicky looks like a more brutish version of Sunny. Vicky/Himmatgiri tells Sunil Rastogi that the face which will catch Rastogi’s imagination will be that of the godman’s son, suggesting Vicky may be Sunny’s biological father. Working back from this reveal, Vicky’s bullying of Sunny in Kushinagar, in which he expected Sunny to participate in the sexual assault of young women, appears as a rite of initiation into violent masculinity between father and son.

In the novel, fathers represent control, conservative ideals, and a looming shadow over the individuality of their sons. Ram Singh and his son Dinesh also have a toxic father/son relationship. Dinesh feels disdain for Ram and suggests that he and Sunny band forces to overthrow their respective fathers. Sunny finally turns against Bunty when he learns that Bunty may have facilitated Neda’s abortion. Sunny thinks of the fetus as his “son,” even though the gender is never made explicit. The expectation that his child would be a son is another example of the flawed gender dynamics of the world inhabited by the Wadia men.

Sunil Rastogi reflects the hidden cost which systemic violence and corruption wreak. Men like Rastogi, considered to be inconsequential, are pushed into a life of crime. Rastogi opens his narrative with the story of how his brother was critically injured in a highway robbery. The cops who arrived at the scene refused to take him, still alive, to the hospital, saying, “do you think we’re charity?” (443). Their disregard for the lives of marginalized people triggers a set of events that ends up with Rastogi kidnapping Sunny.

Rastogi is the only first-person narrator in the novel. His narration has an urgent, performative style, filled with lines like: “Such is life, Sunny Wadia” (443). The phrase “Sunny Wadia” punctuates Rastogi’s narration, giving it the quality of a ritualistic, old-fashioned performance. Rastogi’s story is also filled with several real-world allusions. The name Sunil Rastogi itself is that of a serial rapist convicted in 2017 of assaulting nearly 500 children and women. “Himmatgiri,” Vicky’s godman alias, is taken from the name of a tantrik (roughly, a practitioner of black magic) arrested in 2000 in Punjab on charges of murder. The Chaddi Baniyan gang is a reference to real-life criminal gangs operating largely in Delhi and UP, especially between 1980 and the early 2000s.

The novel continues to explore the marginalization of women. Sunny remembers the suicide of his mother, an event he does not like discussing even with Neda. Tortured by Rastogi, Sunny frequently lapses into the memory of his mother’s form as she hangs from a fan “by her own dupatta, tongue out, eyes bulging, void” (416). The death of Sunny’s mother represents the death of Sunny’s own innocence and femininity. In a universe where violence and rage have nowhere else to go, women become an easy target. Rastogi frequently fantasizes of raping women as a means of taking back control of his life.

Manoj’s story raises the question of the cost of so-called development. As Manoj notes, access to money does not mean a better life for his people. Alienated from their traditional employment and relationship with the land, the men of his community turn to drugs and empty consumerism. The effect of consumerism on traditional communities is global. The narrative suggests that decontextualized development does far more damage than good.

Parts 3 and 4 introduce new mysteries in the narrative. The idea that Vicky is Sunny’s biological father is not confirmed. It is left open-ended if Sunny’s mother did in fact die by suicide, or, if she had a relationship with Vicky, if the relationship was consensual. It is also unclear if Vicky had Sunny deliberately kidnapped, or if the kidnapping was a result of serendipity. Perhaps, Vicky meant the kidnapping as an initiation rite for Sunny involving transforming, masculine pain.