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Tom StandageA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.
Chapter Summaries & Analyses
In the book’s final section, Standage addresses the only branded beverage in the book: Cocoa-Cola, and its position as emblem of America and all it stands for. He begins Chapter 11 with an account of the development of soft drinks, which was enabled by the discovery, in Manchester, of how to produce soda water—water made fizzy by the addition of carbon dioxide. Once again, the initial interest in soda water was medicinal, although it was also sold mixed with lemon juice and sugar as early as the late eighteenth century. Soda water became popular across Europe in the 1790s and several companies began to produce it, including Schweppes.
Soda water was first produced in America by Benjamin Stillman, a chemistry professor at Yale who discovered the beverage on a trip to America. He began to make batches to give as gifts to friends, but soon the demand was so high he began to make it commercially in New Haven in 1807. In 1809, Joseph Hawkins of Philadelphia invented the soda fountain, in an attempt to cash in on the association between soda water and European spas. This idea proved unpopular but the soda fountain did not.
True to its medicinal origins, soda was primarily sold in pharmacies and, as well being mixed with lemon, by the nineteenth century, was being mixed with wine, to make spritzers. From the 1830s in America, the most popular way to drink soda water was mixed with fruit flavored syrups, the production of which became increasingly industrialized. Soda water was enjoyed by people across all social classes in America and indeed Mary Gay Humphries noted in 1891 that “‘the crowning merit of soda-water, and that which fits it to be the national drink, is its democracy. The millionaire might drink champagne while the poor man drinks beer, but they both drink soda water’” (232).
Coca-Cola was invented by John Pemberton, a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia, in May 1886. Pemberton had a long history of making patent or “quack” medicines, which had become increasingly popular after the Civil War. In fact, by the end of the nineteenth century, patent medicines “accounted for more newspaper advertising than any other product” (234) and contributed to the development of marketing strategies. Pemberton had had both successes and failures with earlier patent medicines and he was keen to cash in on the popularity of an ingredient newly introduced to America: the coca leaf.
The coca leaf releases a small amount of cocaine when chewed, and had used regularly by cultures in South America as a stimulant and appetite suppressant. Pemberton’s first attempt to make use of this new foodstuff produced French Wine Coca, which consisted of wine infused with coca leaf and another fashionable ingredient, kola nut extract. Like the coca leaf in South America, kola nut, indigenous to West Africa, was a familiar part of people’s culinary lives there, where it was valued as a source of caffeine. It was this caffeine that made the kola nut appealing to the inventors of patent medicine.
Despite using these two fashionable ingredients, the success of Pemberton’s concoction was threatened by the impending prohibition of alcohol in Atlanta from July 1st 1886. As a result, Pemberton transformed the mixture into a temperance drink, using sugar to counteract the bitterness of the key ingredients and dispensing it as medicinal soda water syrup. This product was named Coca-Cola—after the two main ingredients—by Frank Robinson, Pemberton’s business associate and marketing manager. The new drink was launched at the end of May 1886, just before prohibition came into effect. When prohibition in Atlanta ended in November 1887, Coca-Cola was a very popular drink, and even sold in winter—not a good time for soda sales.
Coca-Cola’s popularity made the ownership to the formula more hotly contested and a number of people had a claim on the drink and the profits made from it. Ownership of Coca-Cola was eventually resolved by Asa Candler in 1888, after Pemberton’s death. By the end of 1895, Coca-Cola had become a “national” drink and was available across America. The company’s rapid growth was due in part to the fact that it was only available as a syrup, which was then added to soda water in a soda fountain.
By the beginning of the twentieth century, Coca-Cola was no longer marketed as a medicinal stimulant for harried businessmen, but as a refreshing drink that appealed to a wider audience, including women and children. This marketing shift was well timed as it allowed Coca-Cola to argue—successfully—that their product was not a patent medicine when taxes on patent medicines were introduced in 1898. Around this time, the company began selling bottled Coca-Cola, which made the drink available outside pharmacies.
Concern about the safety and possible side-effects of Coca-Cola—particularly for children—presented significant challenges in the early twentieth century, and the company was taken to court in 1911 after an investigation was launched by Dr. Wiley, who had been the primary force behind the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act. While the company won the legal case, the recipe was altered slightly to remove trace amounts of cocaine and to reduce the amount of caffeine. Coca-Cola also agreed not to depict children in their advertising, and held to that until 1986. As a result of the court case, “the sale to children of Coca-Cola, a caffeinated drink, was…legally sanctioned” (245) and advertising to children became a significant part of Coca-Cola’s marketing strategy.
The 1930s saw Coca-Cola face three main challenges: the end of Prohibition; the Great Depression and the rise of a rival company, PepsiCo. However, the end of prohibition didn’t have a huge effect on sales and indeed, Coca-Cola began to replace coffee as a social drink. Similarly, the company’s image of a “happy, carefree world” (247) in its advertising made it appealing during the difficult times of the great Depression. Furthermore, Standage suggests that Coca-Cola’s rivalry with PepsiCo benefitted both companies. According to journalist William Allen White, by the twentieth century, Coca Cola had become the “‘sublimated essence of all that America stands for, a decent thing honestly made, universally distributed, conscientiously improved with the years” (249).
The global spread of Coca-Cola’s influence is the subject of Chapter 12. Standage opens his final chapter, ‘Globalization in a Bottle’, with the observation that the twentieth century “was a period defined by the struggle for individual political, economic, and personal liberty against various forms of oppression” (250). The nation most strongly associated with the fight for such freedoms was America, whose values in turn were represented, Standage argues, by Coca-Cola. Although Coca-Cola was sold in countries outside the U.S. before the outbreak of WWII, it only became a global brand when the U.S. emerged as a global superpower.
America’s intervention in WWII brought an end to the nation’s long-term isolationist policy and as the country mobilized for war, the president of Coca-Cola, Robert Woodruff, ordered that every man in uniform gets a bottle of Coca-Cola for five cents, wherever he is, and whatever it costs the company” (251). This act of patriotism reinforced the association between American national values and Cocoa-Cola and, because it boosted the troops’ morale, Coca-Cola was exempted from sugar rationing in 1942. Shipping bottles of Coca-Cola around the world was not feasible so bottling factories and soda fountains were built on American military bases so that only the syrup was required. The technicians who ran these factories and maintained the fountains were given the honorary title of “Coca-Cola colonels”.
Coca-Cola even went so far as inventing a special dispenser for use in the jungle and a soda fountain that could be installed on submarines so that the drink would be available to everyone, including civilians outside the American military bases. In fact, because the bottling factories remained in place for three years after the war ended, WWII created the conditions for “‘the almost universal acceptance of the goodness of Coca-Cola’” (255). American soldiers came to associate Coca-Cola with home and the beverage was highly prized, saved for special occasions and used to barter with. As a result, the Axis powers denounced Coca-Cola as the epitome of what was wrong with America, even though, before the war, it had been particularly popular in Germany.
After the war, Coca-Cola was associated, not just with America, but with Western values more broadly; and, for communists, it represented everything wrong with capitalism. As a result, the Soviet leader, General Zhukov, who developed a taste for the soda during WWII, requested and received a special, clear version of Coca-Cola that he could enjoy without being seen associating with American products. The growth of Coca-Cola’s overseas operations coincided with the growth of America’s international influence but the Cold War made it difficult to establish a market in the USSR. Other groups claimed that America, and Coca-Cola by proxy, were engaged in a form of modern colonialism and protests were organize in France. However, these had little effect other than providing free marketing for the company.
When the Eastern Bloc fell in the late-twentieth century, Coca-Cola became hugely popular, being seen as a symbol of the kinds of freedom denied under communism. Once again, the association between Coca-Cola and American politics was not always an economic advantage, as Standage’s account of Coca-Cola’s dealings in the Middle East show. Coca-Cola ultimately decided to abandon the successful Arab market and establish a factory in Tel Aviv to prevent a Jewish boycott in America. In doing so the company “once again found itself aligned with and identified with American foreign policy” (262), while PepsiCo, having established a market behind the Iron Curtain and in the Arab world, found success with a different approach.
In the book’s Epilogue, Standage considers the politics of the most basic of all beverages: water. He begins with a quote from the United Nations Committee on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights: “‘Water is a limited natural resource and a public good fundamental for life and health. The human right to water is indispensable for leading a healthy life in human dignity. It is a prerequisite for the realization of other human rights’” (266). Despite this assertion, Standage notes that access to clean drinking water is one of the most significant divides between the developed and the developing worlds. The luxury of clean water is epitomized in the West by the trend of drinking bottled water, which is expensive and no safer to drink than tap water.
In the developing world, access to water is often the difference between life and death, partly because, as the World Health Organization estimates, 80 percent of diseases are waterborne. The need to fetch water in places where it is not readily available also impact economic development and educational opportunities, particularly for girls.
Access to water is, as the U.N. statement evinces, a political issue, one that can lead to war, or bring warring countries together. For example, Standage notes that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank was motivated, in part, by the need for water, while India and Pakistan have not broken the Indus Treaty which dictates how the countries should share the water of the River Indus. “Water, it seems, has the potential to be both a cause of war and a catalyst for peace” (272).
While Standage considers the emergence of carbonized, or fizzy, drinks at the beginning of the book’s final section he says very little about how they developed or were marketed anywhere except America. His attention is quickly focused on the specific example of Coca-Cola, which began life as a patent medicine in Atlanta before becoming a refreshing drink enjoyed in every state. While mention is made of PepsiCo and the rivalry between the two companies, the last two chapters of the book are decidedly concerned with Coca-Cola, rather than cola more generally.
This approach allows Standage to explore the relationship between Coca-Cola and American values which was confirmed during WWII and persisted during the Cold War, when it came to epitomize, for the West, the glory of personal freedom, and for the Soviets, the dangers of capitalism. In keeping with the imperial bent of the book overall, Standage tends to celebrate rather than interrogate or explore the processes of globalization that made Coca-Cola the brand it is; and the charges of imperialism leveled against both Coca-Cola and the United States are given only a passing mention.
Interestingly, given that the book’s epilogue is concerned with access to water, Standage doesn’t allude to the other criticisms made of Coca-Cola, including the use and contamination of water in Kerala, India. The Epilogue is a timely reminder of the significance of water and the obstacles that many people face in accessing this basic human right and suggests the importance of considering how accessing a clean and nutritious beverage has been the motivation behind a number of human inventions and cultural developments. However, the section on Coca-Cola sits a little oddly in relation to the rest of the book, dealing as it does with a brand rather than a beverage. In focusing so exclusively on America in the final section Standage reinforces, rather than opens up, a familiar historical narrative of the twentieth-century.
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